Kayali Déjà vu White Flower | 57
Evocando un sueño de nostalgia, este perfume cálido y sensual consiste en un ramo de flores blancas.
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Evocando un sueño de nostalgia, este perfume cálido y sensual consiste en un ramo de flores blancas. Déjà vu White Flower | 57 combina los aromas de sándalo y las notas afrutadas de nectarina blanca y azahar, creando un aroma voluptuoso que despierta los sentidos. Las notas de jazmín, nardo, pachulí y gardenia se entrelazan para formar una armonía seductora y única Déjà vu White Flower | 57 es una fragancia que es a la vez atractiva, cálida y reconfortante, cargada de nostalgia y amor. Sienta las bases para crear nuevos y emocionantes recuerdos; recuerdos en los que cada spray te sumerge. El número 57 indica las 57 series de formulaciones que fueron necesarias para obtener el equilibrio perfecto entre seducción y calor.
- Ingredientes
KAYALI – que significa «mi imaginación» en árabe – se compone de un conjunto de perfumes envolventes creados en Francia a partir de ingredientes muy prestigiosos. Esta primera colección destaca la técnica del «layering» para crear un perfume que se adapte perfectamente a ti. KAYALI se inspira en las riquezas de Oriente Medio, una cultura reconocida por su refinamiento y sencillez. Cuatro perfumes. Cientos de acordes. Un millión de «mood».
Kayali Déjà vu White Flower | 57
I don't usually like fragrances with gardenia in them, as gardenia turns sour on me more often than not. However this is a beautiful balance; the floral notes are blended excellently with the soft fruit notes & hint of vanilla, so that no scent family stands out more strongly than the others [The number 57 indicates the 57 rounds of formulations it took to achieve the perfect balance of Seductive and Warm - Huda's blog]. Deja vu has a bit of everything I enjoy; the blend is soft and clean, but also creamy, plus with a slight hint of powderiness. That probably makes no real sense, sorry, I just can't put the perfect meld of notes into words. Every key scent note is identifiable and like I said above, the balance is perfect for my tastes - the fruit, florals, sweetness and woods are all present, but nothing outshines anything else. Official scent notes: pear, nectarine, gardenia, Indian jasmine, orange blossom, tuberose, patchouli, sandalwood, cashmere wood and Tahitian vanilla. The number one thing that stands out is the purity of the scent notes - I can't detect any alcohol or plasticy notes, so it's like I've applied fragrance oils to my my skin. The fragrance lasts very well for something that isn't very harsh - at least nine hours. I normally only buy 100ml bottles if I find a low-price offer that works out cheaper than a smaller sized one would regularly cost, but if Kayali ever releases a 100ml bottle for Deja Vu I'll definitely be picking it up - I've had to force myself to stop from continuing to wear it every day, as my bottle is now half empty and wouldn't last overly long, if I kept going at the same rate.
Publicada originalmente en Sephora-uk